“Do you really need your room cleaned?”

BusinessGreen reports that European chain of a&o Hostels has found a way to ensure as many customers as possible to avoid consuming unnecessary water and resources. A sign asking guests if they really need their room cleaned each day is a common sight in many budget hotel rooms nowadays.

The company announced last week it has introduced a new incentive scheme where guests are offered a free drink if they choose to go without an unnecessary daily room clean. The scheme has already resulted in 10,000 fewer room cleans across the company’s hostels, resulting in significant water, energy, and resource savings. 

a&o Hostels operations project manager Matthias Posth mentioned that the brand could play a crucial role in encouraging its relatively young clients to embrace sustainable travel practices.

The new incentive scheme forms part of a wider sustainability push across the company, involving the 100 per cent conversion of all hostel lighting to LEDs, the installation of e-charging columns, refillable cup discounts, and reducing packaged jam and margarine at breakfast buffets and plastic-wrapped food in the sandwich bar.



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