Carbon Tax As The Best Solution to Climate Change

It’s very important nowadays to quickly reduce carbongreenrecycle emissions in order to avoid the climate change. Mark Tercek ( speaks about possible solution for this problem in his article. He states that Carbon Tax should be the key. During the Milken Institute Global Conference he touches upon the economic impacts of climate change, introducing the carbon tax. The climate is changing, and human activity is responsible. It was noted that even the scientists who recently met at a climate conference sponsored by the Heartland Institute generally agree that climate change is real and caused by carbon emissions.

If people do not appeal for the emissions now, the climate change will lead to many problems. Climate change is a slow-moving event. But even during the next 10years—we will see coastal flooding, periodic Sandy-like weather events.We need to reduce sharply negative impacts on biodiversity and precious ecological communities. We must

  •  motivate society to use less energy – they’ll save money at the same time

  •  invest in natural ecosystems, such as rainforests—that store carbon at low-cost and low risk.

  •  prevent serious consequences that will affect quality of life for people around the globe.

Instituting a revenue-neutral carbon tax would use market forces to incentivize emissions reductions at a lower cost than other proposed policies. The certainty of these extra costs would allow citizens and businesses to plan accordingly, increasing their energy efficiency to keep their expenses stable. Economists estimate a carbon tax would reduce emissions by about one-third.

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